Mead Rasmia Porcus (metheglin) 33cl

from Viking Bad Hidromiel


Details of each combination:

  • Quantity:Unit -> 1 33cl bottle of Rasmia Porcus mead
  • Quantity:Half case (7 pcs) -> Half case (7 bottles) of Porcus mead
  • Quantity:Full case (14 pcs) -> Full case (14 bottles) of Porcus mead
Porcus is a hoppy mead (ABV. 8.5%), brewed with 6 varieties of hops (aromatic and bittering) and partially caramelized honey, all giving it a roasted and bitter flavour profile, while maintaining a deeply aromatic body
Ingredients: Mineral water, honey, 6 varieties of hops and yeast.
Hidromieles Artesanas Rasmia S.L. (RGSA No.: 30.014050/Z), in Lechón (Zaragoza).
Hidromieles Artesanas Rasmia S.L. (RGSA No.: 30.014050/Z), in Lechón (Zaragoza)
Viking Bad Hidromiel
No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 168h

More information

Porcus is a hoppy mead (ABV. 8.5%), made with 6 varieties of hops (aromatic and bitter) and partially caramelized honey, all of which gives it a roasted and bitter flavor profile, while maintaining a deeply aromatic body
Ingredients: Mineral water, honey, 6 varieties of hops and yeast.
Handcrafted and bottled by Hidromieles Artesanas Rasmia S.L. (RGSA No.: 30.014050/Z), in Lechón (Zaragoza).
Hidromieles Artesanas Rasmia S.L. (RGSA No.: 30.014050/Z), in Lechón (Zaragoza)

Honey mead is an alcoholic drink, you must be over 18 to buy it. Drink in moderation, you're not a Viking.

Note: In Viking Bad we are firmly committed to caring for the environment, so we use recycled material as part of the packaging. We hope you appreciate this initiative, taking care of the planet is a task for all of us 🙂

We hope you appreciate it!

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