OAT FLOUR Premium Life Pro 1.6kg BROWNIE

from Fitness Burger


Properties of Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food

The oat is one of the cereals that is gaining more prominence within the world of diets. In addition, its qualities make it ideal for both purely healthy objectives and for sports performance improvement goals. As such, Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food is an ideal choice for anyone.

One of the highlights of these Life Pro Fit Food oatmeal flakes has to do with their carbohydrate content, which is around 60% to 70% of their total composition. It is key to specify that these are slow absorptioncarbohydrates, so its properties will be noticed gradually and prolonged, thus reducing the risk of experiencing insulin spikes.

On the other hand, Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food contains a remarkable amount of proteins with an important biological value. It is one of the richest cereals in amino acids, with 6 of the 9 essential amino acids, which are the most relevant compounds in terms of muscle performance.

If we add to that the fiber, the vitamins and the minerals, the result is a product with tremendously beneficial characteristics for health and general well-being; as well as a great complement for sports diets, with qualities especially indicated to improve physical performance.

Why take Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food?

If your objectives are related to any sports goal, Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food becomes an ideal choice, as it has very valuable properties in terms of physicality.

As mentioned above, the highlight of oats is their high carbohydrate content. This would be great news on its own, as it would mean that it has the ability to provide an extra boost of energy that can be used to perform better in virtually any sporting discipline. However, the fact that they are slow-absorbing carbohydrates gives them a special touch. Its energy boost can be used for longer, making it perfect especially for high-intensity and long-lasting sports

As for proteins, there is little to explain about their role in physical performance. Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food is rich in essential amino acids, such as leucine or threonine. In this way, it has direct benefits on the muscular system, facilitating its growth, protecting its fibers against catabolism and, in general, ensuring that it is properly nourished. It also improves the recovery processes after a high-demanding exercise

The role of vitamins is key for athletes, especially for their antioxidant qualities that prevent excess free radicals from being a health problem.

Both fiber and minerals complement all these with benefits for athlete's health. Cholesterol and sugar control and improvement of the digestive system are some of its properties.

Benefits for the athlete's health

Benefits of Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food

  • High content of slowly absorbed carbohydrates
  • It provides sustained energy over time.
  • High protein content
  • High biological value proteins.
  • High biological value proteins.
  • High biological value proteins
  • Improves muscle performance
  • Facilitates the growth of lean mass
  • Rich in fiber
  • With vitamins and minerals
  • Choose from 9 different flavors
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Fitness Burger
Minimum order amount: 30.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 72h

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