Walnuts (kg)

from De la HuertaCasa
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From Castilla la Mancha

Autumn arrives and with it the castile walnuts, a delicacy that accompanies the most emblematic dishes of the season. This kind of nut is also known as European walnut and is part of the group of nuts and thanks to its properties, it can provide amazing benefits to the body

De la HuertaCasa
Minimum order amount: 49.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 72h

More information

Nutritional value and benefits

Cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular health

Because they are rich in fiber can fight and prevent heart disease. It can also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve circulation.

Eliminates depression
This food by possessing omega 3, can help people suffering from depression, insomnia, hyperactivity and Alzheimer's. All you need to do is to consume between 5 and 7 walnuts a day.

This kind of nuts possesses a different characteristic from the others, its antioxidants are very rare and few foods are composed of this kind of substances such as quinone, juglone and favonol morin, making this fruit a powerful source to fight the signs of aging.


Fights cancer
In several studies it has been proven that those people who add to their diet this kind of nuts, can reduce the risk of breast or prostate cancer. It even helps fight malignant tumors, so it is recommended a handful a day

Improves memory
Walnuts contain omega 3, melatonin, folic acid and vitamin E, elements that will improve your memory and mental health, as well as increase reasoning, making them ideal for those young students.

White walnuts

Growth process
Its phosphorus allows you to keep your teeth in good condition and promotes the growth of bones and tissues, in addition they help the proper production of DNA and RNA.

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